Imagify Pro Free Download: Unlimited Storage API 01

Imagify Pro Free Download is something that can fulfill your ranking a little bit. We will discuss everything, and remember, this is not an imagify Pro Nulled. It is a kind of trick

Imgfy is the best WordPress plugin to compress all your images into WEBP. Why WEBP? Because it is fully compressed, your website will not be down due to images anymore.

Imagify Pro Free Download by zeyrishop
Imagify Pro Free Download
NameImagify Pro Free Download
Plugin TypePremium Type
Free or PaidFree Download
WorkCompress Images to WEBP
Free Download LinkClick Here

Imagify Pro Free Download Features

The features of the Imagify Pro Free Download are limited, but that is enough because this plugin solves the most popular problems.

We will see all the features of the Imagify Pro Free Download.

Optimize your website

This will optimize your website because the size of the images has now decreased. You know that if your file size or image size is large, it takes a long time to load, but now that your image size is smaller, it will take less time to load completely.

Rank your website

If your website is loading fast, then Google will recommend that website for the search term.

This will indirectly improve your ranking and the image used at the start of the article, which is also compressed by that plugin.

Auto Compressing

They are using advanced technology to make that process automatic, and now that that is done, you can compress any type of image into WEBP.

That is also very useful because we also have other work to do, but there is one limitation: they provide only 20MB to start.

To go with unlimited I will share a trick that I follow; trust me, that is better than using the external plugin.

When you upload images, they will automatically be converted to WEBP.

Choose your level of compression

There is also a feature called “Lossless“, which is for those who don’t want a single drop on the images. This is most likely for photographers; in other normal modes, they reduce the pixels, but that is not noticeable.

Bulk Optimization

This feature is also great if you have a website where you want to optimize all your images. In that case, this feature will help you a lot, but there is also a limitation that you would have to purchase plugins from the official site of Imagify because I am going to show you a trick, not a plugin.

Also Read: FlyingPress Free Download: WordPress Plugin

Imagify Pro Free Download: How to Sign Up

They provide an API to access their compressing features. First, we will create our website via our official Gmail.

Signing up is so simple. First, you have to install the plugin “Imagify” Pro Free Download from WordPress itself.

Then you see something like this in the image below.

Imagify Pro Free Download

You have to click on “Sign Up for Free“. After that, you have to enter your own Gmail ID

You will get an Email by Imagify Pro Free Download then you will be redirected to create a password Note: you have to remember your password or you can save it

Your dashboard will look like this:

Imagify Pro Free Download1

At the top right corner, you will find your profile, and there you will find “API Integration.

Imagify Pro Free Download2

There you will get the API key, and then you have to enter that API here.

Imagify Pro Free Download3

Now you are done here but there you will get only 20 MB I told you to give unlimited it isn’t

Imagify Pro Free Download: Unlimited Storage

To make that unlimited, you have to go to TEMP-MAIL to get unlimited emails, then sign up again Sign up with a new Gmail ID, do the same procedure to get a new API key, and then replace the old one.

Believe me, this is better than using Imagify Pro Nulled.


Is it safe to use this plugin?

Yes, it is safe to use.

Imagify Pro is free.

Technically, Yes. You can use this procedure to make it Pro.

Is it free to download?

Yes, you can download it from WordPress itself.

Will website speed be affected?

No, we are comprising images. This will even load fast.

No Download Link, It is a trick to make it unlimted. Want to know? Read the article carefully.
Free Download
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